We are going to talk a little about a kind of art called Abstract Art. We talked about different kinds of art before like Cubism and Impressionism. Well, what it Abstract Art mean? Abstract artist felt that paintings did not have to show things that were recognizable. Their paintings do not try to show animals, people, or places exactly how they really look. They like to use color and shape in their paintings to show images of emotions or moods. Some of the Abstract artists composed their paintings entirely of geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, or squares.
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Winter Activities
Winter is soon to be here in the Northern hemisphere. Many schools do close for a winter break so some of these ideas can be presented for that last week before school closes, or have them ready to go when you return from break, highlighting the new season. Either way, it is important for us to prepare the materials in advance. I find most of my prep work is doen weeks in advance. That is the benefit of having the 40-week curriculum PDFs, so that you can see wha’s upcoming, the examples I provide, and how to accomplish everything needed. Here’s some ideas for the Winter…
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This past week we looked at vegetables. We discovered that when we eat vegetables, we are eating a part of the plant. We discuss many things that allow the children to make a connection between what they see and eat and its parts. We talk about it like this…
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Dental Health Month
It is that time of the year when many teachers like to include dental health lessons for the children. At times a dentist or dental hygienist visits a school to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health. With or without a visiting guest speaker, there are many fun ways to help children appreciate the importance of caring for one’s teeth.
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Montessori Math Materials
The math materials in a Montessori classroom are beautifully and uniquely designed. They allow for a child to successfully grasp mathematical concepts concretely as they progress towards abstract ones. Materials are developed from simple to complex. Process is taught first then facts.
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Color Mixing
The youngest children often come to school knowing the names of many colors or very few. Montessori color boxes are used to introduce colors to the children. A variety of activities and songs are also a fun way to help children learn colors. Hap Palmer and Frank Leto both have great songs about colors, which can be easily be found online.

Pumpkin Time
In the northern hemisphere it is time for pumpkins to be harvested. Many families and schools will visit pumpkin farms to pick pumpkins and perhaps enjoy a hay ride around the farm. The areas of Botany, Practical Life, Math, Science, and Language often have a variety of pumpkin themed exercises.
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Activities for Autumn
Autumn is such a fun time for a variety of activities found throughout the different areas of the classroom. The shelves in the Practical Life area are often filled with the orange, red, and yellow colored materials. Many art activities involve leaves, acorns, pumpkins, and scarecrows.
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Apple Fun
September is a great time to have fun with apples. Previous post highlighted some activities and lesson ideas to use with apples. Some may be repeated and others may be new on this post. I especially enjoy bringing a variety of apples into the classroom for the children to taste. During this month I like to include lessons on the five senses, and highlight the lesson on taste, a day before our apple tasting activity.
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Getting Ready for Spring
In just a few short weeks it will be the season of Spring in the northern hemisphere. There are so many things one can choose to do for springtime activities and lessons. I will share a few and perhaps you can began to prepare some now to share with the children at home or in the classroom.
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