Summer activities for the classroom or the home often involve an ocean theme. There is so much one can choose from and share with children. A variety of lessons on things related to an ocean theme can be found in Weeks 34-Day 3 through Weeks 36-Day 5 of the curriculum pages. These include lessons on things such as coral reefs, shells, tide pools, crustaceans, and sponges.
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Getting Ready for Spring
In just a few short weeks it will be the season of Spring in the northern hemisphere. There are so many things one can choose to do for springtime activities and lessons. I will share a few and perhaps you can began to prepare some now to share with the children at home or in the classroom.
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Montessori Curriculum at Home
Many parents that have decided to keep their child home for this school year are asking how they can continue with some of their child’s Montessori lessons. One thing that presents a challenge is providing your child with the many Montessori Apparatus Materials, all those hands-on incredible concrete learning tools that line the shelves of a Montessori classroom.
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Fall Is Here!
During the season of fall, the classroom is filled with activities involving pumpkins, deciduous leaves, acorns, harvest time, and even squirrels! The Northern Hemisphere is beginning in the season of fall while the southern hemisphere begins the season of spring. As you discuss the season of fall be sure to use a globe and highlight this point with the children. Continue reading “Fall Is Here!”

Gardening Lessons for Children
I have decided to share with you some gardening ideas from the past that you can perhaps use with children. Children are naturally drawn to plants and gardens. Maria Montessori said, “There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature, to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature… so that the child may better understand and participate in the marvelous things which civilization creates.”
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