Winter Activities

Winter is soon to be here in the Northern hemisphere. Many schools do close for a winter break so some of these ideas can be presented for that last week before school closes, or have them ready to go when you return from break, highlighting the new season. Either way, it is important for us to prepare the materials in advance. I find most of my prep work is doen weeks in advance. That is the benefit of having the 40-week curriculum PDFs, so that you can see wha’s upcoming, the examples I provide, and how to accomplish everything needed. Here’s some ideas for the Winter…
There are so many options to focus with each new season. During the winter, one could focus on a variety of different things such as snowflakes, the weather, winter sports, or animals in the winter. Discussions on why it only snows in only some parts of the country and what is snow? A variety of circle time songs and art activities are always a hit with the children. Making pinecone bird feeders is also a great winter activity for the children. If you use peanut butter, be aware of allergies.

Poem and props for “Six Little Snowmen”, can be found in Week 18 – Day 4 of the curriculum pages.