Category: Science

Fun with Soil

Fun with Soil

Children can enjoy exploring with different kinds of soils or dirt. They can compare which soil can hold water best, what kind of living things are found in soil, or just discover what is happening in a small patch of grass in the backyard. An area can be marked off with craft sticks and yarn or rope to be explored.

Younger cildren can draw their findings and older children draw, label and/or write about their discoveries. Perhaps they can look at the patch of grass before a rain and after a rain. Different times of the day can also be recorded. However, your children have a chance get their hands in the dirt, it will be a great!

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Dairy Group

Dairy Group

Recently we read about dairy foods.

We have been learning about nutrition. We have learned about fruits and vegetables. We also know that it is important to eat foods from the four food groups to grow healthy. We can’t eat only vegetables. Today we will start to talk about the dairy food group. It is also called the milk group. The foods that belong in the dairy food group are foods that are made from milk. Where does milk come from? A cow.

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Fruit Group

Fruit Group

Today we think about fruit and how to identify them as compared to vegetables. Why do we call these fruits? How do we know that they are a fruit? A fruit is the part of a flowering plant. In our pumpkin story, the flower shriveled up and then a fruit, the pumpkin, began to grow in its place, do you remember that? If it has seeds – it is a fruit! How do you explain it to the children, though. My “Science 24” lap card tells how…

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Spring is a great time to talk about rainbows with the children. There is more rain during this time of the year and chances of seeing a rainbow are pretty good if you live in an area with rainy spring days. Most children enjoy rainbow anything, so you can include a variety of activities for them as you learn about rainbows together.

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Dental Health Month

Dental Health Month

It is that time of the year when many teachers like to include dental health lessons for the children. At times a dentist or dental hygienist visits a school to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health. With or without a visiting guest speaker, there are many fun ways to help children appreciate the importance of caring for one’s teeth.

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Usually during the beginning months of the school year, I like to talk with the children about good food choices. We have lessons on our bodies, exercise, and the importance of eating healthy. This sets the tone for the school year about snacks and lunches. However, talking about the basic food groups can be included anytime of the year.

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Color Mixing

Color Mixing

The youngest children often come to school knowing the names of many colors or very few. Montessori color boxes are used to introduce colors to the children. A variety of activities and songs are also a fun way to help children learn colors. Hap Palmer and Frank Leto both have great songs about colors, which can be easily be found online.

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Summer Activities

Summer Activities

Summer activities for the classroom or the home often involve an ocean theme. There is so much one can choose from and share with children. A variety of lessons on things related to an ocean theme can be found in Weeks 34-Day 3 through Weeks 36-Day 5 of the curriculum pages. These include lessons on things such as coral reefs, shells, tide pools, crustaceans, and sponges.

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