I decided to present some lessons from the past school years. I will choose some from the weeks and days of the curriculum pages, as this school year progresses. I will also choose some pictures of children working with materials that are on classroom shelves during that month of the lesson presented. This is the lesson on the Hemisphere Map found in Week 3 Day 5 of the curriculum pages.
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Antarctica Review
We read more on the continent of Antarctica and consider Circle Time Lesson Geography 31.
Let’s find Antarctica on our Continent Globe. What is it like on this continent? Do people live there in houses like we live in? What kind of animals are on this continent?
Penguins are one of the animals that live on Antarctica…
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This month the continent of Africa is introduced. Up to this point North America and South America have been discussed. Children continue to stamp their ‘passports’ as each continent is introduced. A variety of lessons such as those on Egypt and the different biomes that make up Africa can be highlighted as you discover this continent over the coming weeks.
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Rain Forest Animals
As this month continues with the continent of South America, it is an excellent time to talk about the rain forest. I introduce biomes in the coming weeks and include rain forests as a reminder of a biome already discussed. Learning about different animals and providing a variety of art activities on some of these animals are much enjoyed by children.
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Land Forms
Children enjoy working with the land form materials. Different kinds are able to be purchased on many Montessori website that sell materials. Some teachers and homeschool families make a set of their own using small foil tin trays and hardening clay. Small booklets can be made as children color the water and land parts of each landform. Small land and water animals to use along with a landform is always a popular activity in the classroom.
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South America
During the first week of each month, I like to introduce a new continent is and various lessons continue with it for the remainder of the month. This month features the continent of South America. Children keep their little passports stamped with each new continent we talk about.
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Geography Review on “Where I Live”
During this last week of the month it may be a good time to review some lessons from the past weeks. This is one on where we live. We sang a song having the sequence of our school’s city, our state, our country, continent, and ending with our planet. The children can choose to make a, “Where I Live” booklet. We also looked at the parts of a flag and flags of North America.
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