I decided to present some lessons from the past school years. I will choose some from the weeks and days of the curriculum pages, as this school year progresses. I will also choose some pictures of children working with materials that are on classroom shelves during that month of the lesson presented. This is the lesson on the Hemisphere Map found in Week 3 Day 5 of the curriculum pages.
These are the materials need for a lesson on the Hemisphere Map. Make a play dough ‘globe’ with the colored continents on it. I cut this ‘globe’ in half and flatten it out to demonstrate how the Hemisphere Map is a flat representation of the Continent Globe which is followed with a presentation on how to make a Hemisphere Map as a work choice.

This work takes much time, patience, and concentration as does the Hemisphere Map work, but it has many more pieces to trace and poke out! It is coming together beautifully!

Awwww…🥰 I love this!!!!