Children learn how to count in the Montessori classroom using a variety of materials such as number rods, sand paper numbers, and spindle boxes.
Continue reading “Exercises in Math 1-10”Author: Lisa Good
Solar System
Many children enjoy learning about planets. They find space and rockets to be fascinating. The night sky during Summer months provide excellent opportunities to observe stars,
Read moreThe Montessori Three-Year Cycle
The primary program is designed as a three year cycle for the 3-6 year old child. The importance of this cycle is stressed because the full potential of the child is reached after three years in the same environment with the same teacher.
Read moreAlphabet Sound Extensions
If your looking for an idea to reinforce letter sounds, a fun way can be through books and art, especially for the younger child. The book set by Jane Belk called, My First Steps to Reading is a great resource.
I appreciate her use of the letter sound highlighted in each book as well as her use of lower case letters. If you decide to use them, keep in mind that they are fictional books, and a reminder of this will need to be brought out to the children in a Montessori classroom.
Continue reading “Alphabet Sound Extensions”Having Fun With Volcanoes
A fun summer project and experiment can be learning about volcanoes. If the school I worked at had a large sand area we would make our volcanoes outside. If there wasn’t a sandbox we would make a volcano inside the classroom using a tub full of sand. Either way, it is an exciting experiment children always enjoy.
Continue reading “Having Fun With Volcanoes”Preparing for the new school year – Material Making
In planning for the upcoming school year, summer break is a good time to make some materials. Whether you are going to be in the classroom or homeschooling you can prepare
nowRead moreStarting the new school year – Some Thoughts
Preparation is always the key to staying ahead of the curriculum. Below I share some thoughts on how that goes for me, the things I think about, and how I organize the room and materials. Remember, I make a lot of my materials for works, so I have to stay organized. I have a lot that I can keep from year to year, but if you’re just starting out, you’ll have a lot of prep to do! Don’t stress, just do what you can.
Book on the Shelf
I wanted to share some of what I call, “Books on the Shelf.” As I look at the books to be used in the classroom to enhance a lesson, I try to think how this can be made into a book with props to be available as work choice for the children. Books with props help children to discover the joy of literature and deepen the understanding of the story. They are fun to put together and the children really enjoy them. I wanted to share some of the one’s I put together over the years.
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Butterfly Fun
I have been thinking about some of the things I enjoy doing with the children each school year.
One of them are lessons on insects, with butterflies being a favorite. I order caterpillars each year and we learn about butterflies. I usually order from Five caterpillars come in the mail and over the many years I’ve done this it has always proved to be successful. I am going to share some photos from the past, since as it happened this school year due to the virus, this is a lesson we did not get to share in.
Continue reading “Butterfly Fun”Gardening Lessons for Children
I have decided to share with you some gardening ideas from the past that you can perhaps use with children. Children are naturally drawn to plants and gardens. Maria Montessori said, “There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature, to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature… so that the child may better understand and participate in the marvelous things which civilization creates.”
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