Summer activities for the classroom or the home often involve an ocean theme. There is so much one can choose from and share with children. A variety of lessons on things related to an ocean theme can be found in Weeks 34-Day 3 through Weeks 36-Day 5 of the curriculum pages. These include lessons on things such as coral reefs, shells, tide pools, crustaceans, and sponges.
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Getting Ready for Spring
In just a few short weeks it will be the season of Spring in the northern hemisphere. There are so many things one can choose to do for springtime activities and lessons. I will share a few and perhaps you can began to prepare some now to share with the children at home or in the classroom.
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Dental Health
February is National Children’s Dental month which makes it a great time to have lessons on caring for our teeth. Many schools have a visitor from a dental office come to talk with the children, but this year of course is very different.

Winter Activities
January is a great time to enjoy a variety of art activities that involve snow. Have a review of words that are related to winter. Cutting snowflake designs out of a coffee filter is always popular and making a snowflake magnet is fun too. Older children can make a winter word list, draw a winter picture and write about it, or make a booklet about winter.
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Rain Forest Animals
As this month continues with the continent of South America, it is an excellent time to talk about the rain forest. I introduce biomes in the coming weeks and include rain forests as a reminder of a biome already discussed. Learning about different animals and providing a variety of art activities on some of these animals are much enjoyed by children.
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During this month vertebrates continue with lessons on birds. We learn that all birds have feathers. It is fun to discover that it is not flying that makes an animal a part of the bird vertebrate group, but it’s feathers. On different days a lesson will focus on various things about birds, such as bird songs, beaks, parts of a feather, and nests. Children can observe some bird nests on the zoology shelf using a magnifying glass as well.
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Autumn – Talking about Leaves with the Botany Cabinet
Fall foliage is peaking in some parts of the world around mid October. In Week 8 Day 2 of my Cultural curriculum we talk about plants and leaves, and kinds of leaves. There are a variety of activities one can do while learning about deciduous trees this time of the year. This is a good time to present the Botany Cabinet to the children and discuss why leaves change colors. Children often like to bring in a leaf they found and try to match it to one of the leaf shapes found in the Botany Cabinet.
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Pumpkin Fun
I always enjoy the those great quotes by Anne Shirley from the book Anne of Green Gables. One of them is, “I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” October is often a time filled with pumpkins throughout the classroom. I am going to share some ideas on pumpkins and a little more on the season of Fall.
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Five Senses
It is the end of another month. Time to review some of the lessons from the past few weeks. The five senses were introduced and then discussed individually over a four week period. Activities, art, and songs helped to enhance these lessons. An example is that of doing apple tasting as you discussed the sense of taste.
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Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3
In parts of the southern states it is time to harvest the fields of cotton. If you are going to be talking about harvest time, including the cotton plant can be fun. I often include this plant when we discuss ‘things we get from plants’ at a later time during the school year, but be sure to include it sometime during the year if you can. Children are amazed when they learn that some of their clothes are made from the cotton plant! Continue reading “Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3”