The month of September it is a good time to talk about apples. The next few weeks are one of the best times to go apple picking in most of the United States and Canada. I include lessons on the Five Senses during this month and like to tie in an apple tasting day when we talk about the sense of taste. Continue reading “Apples”
Tag: art

Solar System
Many children enjoy learning about planets. They find space and rockets to be fascinating. The night sky during Summer months provide excellent opportunities to observe stars,
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Alphabet Sound Extensions
If your looking for an idea to reinforce letter sounds, a fun way can be through books and art, especially for the younger child. The book set by Jane Belk called, My First Steps to Reading is a great resource.
I appreciate her use of the letter sound highlighted in each book as well as her use of lower case letters. If you decide to use them, keep in mind that they are fictional books, and a reminder of this will need to be brought out to the children in a Montessori classroom.
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South America
Peru Lesson