Autumn is such a fun time for a variety of activities found throughout the different areas of the classroom. The shelves in the Practical Life area are often filled with the orange, red, and yellow colored materials. Many art activities involve leaves, acorns, pumpkins, and scarecrows.
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Georgia O’Keefe
During about the third week of school a lesson is presented on famous artist and individual artist are introduced along with lessons about things such as art mediums throughout the remainder of the year. This month we look at an artist from the country where we live, which relates to the lessons this month on North America. The artist Georgia O’Keefe is one that we learned about. We looked at some of her paintings and the children could choose to make a poppy flower. We found out she enjoyed painting big flowers and New Mexico landscapes.
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Body Outlines
During this time of the month we are usually about finished with lesson on body organs. As we read about say the brain, or the lungs children continue to add these parts to their body outlines. Lessons on the body begin with ourselves starting out as small infants and compare it to how much we have grown since. The children bring in a picture of themselves as a baby for discussion and are involved in making self-portrait pictures of how they look today. Body parts we see on the outside are highlighted followed by lessons on the five senses. This month began with lessons on the things we cannot see on the inside of our bodies including bones, muscles, and other organs.
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Autumn – Talking about Leaves with the Botany Cabinet
Fall foliage is peaking in some parts of the world around mid October. In Week 8 Day 2 of my Cultural curriculum we talk about plants and leaves, and kinds of leaves. There are a variety of activities one can do while learning about deciduous trees this time of the year. This is a good time to present the Botany Cabinet to the children and discuss why leaves change colors. Children often like to bring in a leaf they found and try to match it to one of the leaf shapes found in the Botany Cabinet.
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Pumpkin Fun
I always enjoy the those great quotes by Anne Shirley from the book Anne of Green Gables. One of them is, “I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” October is often a time filled with pumpkins throughout the classroom. I am going to share some ideas on pumpkins and a little more on the season of Fall.
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Fall Is Here!
During the season of fall, the classroom is filled with activities involving pumpkins, deciduous leaves, acorns, harvest time, and even squirrels! The Northern Hemisphere is beginning in the season of fall while the southern hemisphere begins the season of spring. As you discuss the season of fall be sure to use a globe and highlight this point with the children. Continue reading “Fall Is Here!”