Body Outlines

During this time of the month we are usually about finished with lesson on body organs. As we read about say the brain, or the lungs children continue to add these parts to their body outlines. Lessons on the body begin with ourselves starting out as small infants and compare it to how much we have grown since. The children bring in a picture of themselves as a baby for discussion and are involved in making self-portrait pictures of how they look today. Body parts we see on the outside are highlighted followed by lessons on the five senses. This month began with lessons on the things we cannot see on the inside of our bodies including bones, muscles, and other organs. 

Self Portraits (from last month)
Self Portraits
Self Portraits
Self Portraits
Body Organs and Blood Lesson
Body Organs and Blood Lesson

We talked about our blood and what are some things that blood is made up of.  We started with the yellow plasma, added red blood cells (red rings and food coloring), white blood cells (white pom poms), and platelets (purple beads) to the jar.

Body Outline
Body Outline
Body Outline Samples
Body Outline Samples
Build a Sentence
Build a Sentence
Knobbed Cylinders
Knobbed Cylinders
Hemisphere Map
Hemisphere Map
Tens Board
Tens Board
Fall Sensory Tub
Fall Sensory Tub
Skeleton - Bone Name Labels
Skeleton – Bone Name Labels
Continent Table
Continent Table
Reading Box
Reading Box