We are going to talk a little about a kind of art called Abstract Art. We talked about different kinds of art before like Cubism and Impressionism. Well, what it Abstract Art mean? Abstract artist felt that paintings did not have to show things that were recognizable. Their paintings do not try to show animals, people, or places exactly how they really look. They like to use color and shape in their paintings to show images of emotions or moods. Some of the Abstract artists composed their paintings entirely of geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, or squares.
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Winter Activities
January is a great time to enjoy a variety of art activities that involve snow. Have a review of words that are related to winter. Cutting snowflake designs out of a coffee filter is always popular and making a snowflake magnet is fun too. Older children can make a winter word list, draw a winter picture and write about it, or make a booklet about winter.
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Body Outlines
During this time of the month we are usually about finished with lesson on body organs. As we read about say the brain, or the lungs children continue to add these parts to their body outlines. Lessons on the body begin with ourselves starting out as small infants and compare it to how much we have grown since. The children bring in a picture of themselves as a baby for discussion and are involved in making self-portrait pictures of how they look today. Body parts we see on the outside are highlighted followed by lessons on the five senses. This month began with lessons on the things we cannot see on the inside of our bodies including bones, muscles, and other organs.
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Mexico and Transportation in Week 9
During Week 9 we read about Mexico and North America. We have jicama and orange slices with cinnamon as a snack choice. We also sing some Spanish songs and practice animal and color names in Spanish. We include discussions about travel and transportation.
People travel many different ways and to many different locations around the world. The children learn new ways to get around, how to use passports to travel to other countries, and even signs they may encounter traveling domestically.
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Five Senses
It is the end of another month. Time to review some of the lessons from the past few weeks. The five senses were introduced and then discussed individually over a four week period. Activities, art, and songs helped to enhance these lessons. An example is that of doing apple tasting as you discussed the sense of taste.
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Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3
In parts of the southern states it is time to harvest the fields of cotton. If you are going to be talking about harvest time, including the cotton plant can be fun. I often include this plant when we discuss ‘things we get from plants’ at a later time during the school year, but be sure to include it sometime during the year if you can. Children are amazed when they learn that some of their clothes are made from the cotton plant! Continue reading “Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3”