Tag: books

Phonetic Reading Boxes

Phonetic Reading Boxes

The Montessori Language Program is designed for children to learn phonetically. Phonics is a reading method that allows a child to learn the sounds of letters by developing an understanding of how these sounds are used individually, in groups, and whole words. Phonetic instruction is the foundation of the Montessori Language Program. Once a child has mastered the sounds associated to each letter, they are introduced to the movable alphabet, which allows them to put letters together, sounding them out to spell simple, then progressively more complex, words.

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Alphabet Sound Extensions

Alphabet Sound Extensions

If your looking for an idea to reinforce letter sounds, a fun way can be through books and art, especially for the younger child. The book set by Jane Belk called, My First Steps to Reading is a great resource.

I appreciate her use of the letter sound highlighted in each book as well as her use of lower case letters. If you decide to use them, keep in mind that they are fictional books, and a reminder of this will need to be brought out to the children in a Montessori classroom.

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Book on the Shelf

Book on the Shelf

I wanted to share some of what I call, “Books on the Shelf.” As I look at the books to be used in the classroom to enhance a lesson, I try to think how this can be made into a book with props to be available as work choice for the children.  Books with props help children to discover the joy of literature and deepen the understanding of the story. They are fun to put together and the children really enjoy them. I wanted to share some of the one’s I put together over the years.


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