South America

This month as the continent of South America continues, a lesson on Peru and discussing the craft of weaving can be fun. Weaving is an important part of Peruvian culture. The children can choose to do a ‘weaving’ work found in the Practical Life area of the classroom using ribbons to weave in and out of a rack stand. An art project that involves weaving paper can be introduced as well.

Peru Lesson
Peru Lesson
Bead Stair Addition
Bead Stair Addition
Continent Table
Continent Table
Bead Stair Addition
Bead Stair Addition
Weaving Ribbons
Weaving Ribbons
Weaving Ribbons
Weaving Ribbons
Horizontal Layout / Numbers Write
Horizontal Layout / Numbers Write
Weaving Paper - Art
Weaving Paper – Art
Reading Box
Reading Box