Author: Lisa Good

Started Adding Video to Online Curriculum

So, this past week was a milestone for me, because I finally started to think about how videos can help with teaching, especially if you are now transitioning to online classes. Covid-19 may have started us having to learn about how to teach online, but I was part of a Zoom conference call last week where a San Francisco school is really taking it to another level! I was really impressed by this school, they really worked together, cared for one another, and were even willing to help veteran teachers like me learn more about online teaching – video being a huge part.

So here was a video I quickly put together (well, my husband did the editing) which I added to the Cultural Curriculum Week 31 Day 2. Check it out…

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JustMontessori Introduction Video

This was the first video my husband created for JustMontessori years ago. It was always such a peaceful video for me… something about the growth of the flower and a child’s mind growing resonated with me. Plus, I always liked the metaphor for how my Cultural Curriculum goal was to grow, “…the absorbent mind” in my children. It’s so true, plant the Montessori methods, water them with encouragement, and watch as their little minds grow!

I hope you enjoy it!

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Adding Previous & Next navigation to over 200 pages. Yikes!

As I was going through making changes to the Cultural Curriculum, I noticed it was a real pain having to go back to the main curriculum page to navigate to the previous or next day. I’m so sorry, this must be as frustrating for you as it is for me! So, I am meticulously going through each page again (over 200) and adding arrows to the Previous page and the Next page, based on which day you’re looking at. I am placing i at the bottom of the page because once you’ve reviewed a particular day, this is the most intuituve spot. I am also adding the PDF curriculum link for that set of Weeks/Days, so if you get really tired of the online version, you can buy the PDF version and have it on your device or computer all the time.

Next, you can see how the navigation will look, big and bold!

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Seed Sprouting Jars for Botany

Seed Sprouting Jars for Botany

Even as the school year is coming to a close in the Northern Hemisphere (as I write this), I am already preparing for the next school year. Seeds are such a great illustration of Botany, reproduction, and education. I took pictures of the seeds I have in jars so the children can see how the seeds sprout and grow. This is great, especially now when you can share your screen, if using Zoom, to teach. If you are able to be in the classroom, then you will need to start the seeds a week or so before so the children can see them sprouting.

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