I decided to present some lessons from the past school years. I will choose some from the weeks and days of the curriculum pages, as this school year progresses. I will also choose some pictures of children working with materials that are on classroom shelves during that month of the lesson presented. This is the lesson on the Hemisphere Map found in Week 3 Day 5 of the curriculum pages.
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Preparing for Seed Lesson
It isn’t too early to start preparing for an upcoming lesson on seeds. I usually introduce a Botany lesson on seeds about the third week of school, depending on how the first few weeks have been going. Prior to a discussion on seeds, a simple lesson on the parts of a plant are given. Then the various parts of a plant are talked about separately over the following three or four weeks.
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The Paper Orchestra
I am excited to share the recent paper orchestra I finally finished. Beginning around the twenty first week of school we begin to talk abut the orchestra. We discuss the kinds of instruments and names of those found in an orchestra. The types of instruments are broken into different lessons such as those focusing on string or brass instruments. Then we put them all together and discover how an orchestra is arranged.
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