I am excited to share the recent paper orchestra I finally finished. Beginning around the twenty first week of school we begin to talk abut the orchestra. We discuss the kinds of instruments and names of those found in an orchestra. The types of instruments are broken into different lessons such as those focusing on string or brass instruments. Then we put them all together and discover how an orchestra is arranged.
A variety of music accompanies these lessons as well. I found paper cut out of figurines and instruments that are make up an orchestra on slso.org. The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra’s web site. After downloading the pages I made additional copies to match how many instruments would be needed for the entire paper model. I chose to only color and highlight the instruments on each cut out figure. Then using a large poster board, I made a seating area chart for the cut out figures. I also labeled each section with the letter that matches the kind of instrument for the section on the seating chart. It was a nice project. One can be set up at a table in the classroom for children to work with as they listen to music. You can also provide enough pieces for an older group of children to make a set and it would be a great home school project as well. Have Fun as you learn about the orchestra!