Book choices for today:
Paul Cezanne Nathaniel Harris
Paul Cezanne Melody Mis
Birdsongs Betsy Franco
Bird Songs Les Beletsky
Paddle Perch Climb Laurie Angus
Artist: (first circle)
Need for lesson – A bowl of fruit (real or fake), black pencil, water colors, and white paper.
Art 5
We are going to talk about a famous artist from a long time ago. He lived and painted in Europe, the red continent on our continent globe. Paul Cezanne was his name. He painted many different things. He painted people, buildings, and things like trees and mountain scenes. One thing Cezanne painted as well is called a ‘Still Life’. A still life painting shows things that people like to see or use. He often used fruits in his still life paintings. Let’s look at some of them from our Artist Folders. The names of these paintings are: Still Life with Onions, Still Life with Apples and Peaches, Still Life with Drapery, Fruit Dish, Carafe and Fruit, and another is called Vessel, Basket and Fruit.
On the art table we have some fruit, a basket, and a cloth. I am going to arrange them how I would like to see them. Now I am going to draw what I see with this black pencil. Then I can use water color paints to paint my picture. If you would like a turn, you can arrange the items the way you would like to see them in your painting. Artist always name their work so think about what you would like to call your painting as you paint it.
So what is the name again of the Famous Artist we talked about? The kind of painting we are making today is called a _______?

Additional Works:
Blue Vase – This is from Dover – Famous Artist Coloring Book. It is one of Paul Cezanne’s paintings that children can water color.
Zoology: (second circle)
Need for lesson – Pictures of bird beaks, and a bird song CD for listening to. I also found a book at the library that had bird calls that came with it.
Zoology 18
We have been talking about birds. What is the main way we know an animal belongs to the vertebrate group of birds? What kind of things do birds use to build a nest?
Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types of bird beaks? The most important function of a birds beak or bill is feeding. The beaks are shaped according to what the bird eats. A cone shaped beak is good for cracking seeds.
Goldfinch birds have this kind of beak. A hummingbird has a long thin tubular shape beak that acts like a straw because they sip nectar from flowers. Thin, slender, pointed beaks are found on birds that eat insects. What kind of a beak do you think a hawk would have? It has a sharp hooked beak because it is a bird of prey and eats things like mice and snakes. Seagulls and pelican birds have beaks that help them to catch fish. Beaks are important for birds because they help the bird to eat.
A bird uses sound to communicate with other birds. Birds make these basic kinds of sounds: songs, calls, and non-vocal sounds. All sounds have a purpose, but not all birds make all three sounds. Bird songs are a repetitive pattern of musical notes. Bird calls are short chips, whistles, twitters, and chirps. The non-vocal sounds are sounds a bird might make with its wings or feathers. Not all birds can sing so they communicate a different way. We are going to listen to some bird songs and calls. Play CD
Additional Works:
Bird Beak Booklets – I cannot remember where these picture are from. I make them into booklets for the children to color.
Two Young Birds (source unknown)
Way up High
In a big old tree
Two young birds
Smiled at me
The first one said
“Let’s fly away.”
The second one said,
“I think I’ll stay.”
So off flew the first
Way up high,
Looking for rainbows
In the sky.
The second bird stayed
and built a nest.
She loved the tree
She thought it best.
Each was happy
In their own way.
One chose to go
One chose to stay.
We each must choose
Which way to go.
We each must choose
Which way to grow
So smile at the birds
You happen to see,
Knowing that each
Is happy and free.
Birdie Birdie In the Tree (tune:abc’s)
Birdie, Birdie in the tree.
Birdie, Birdie sing to me.
Birdie, Birdie on the ground.
How I love your pretty sound.
Sing so high, sing so low
Sing your song, then off you go!
Song (CD) choices for today:
Bird Songs – CD
Buy Weeks 11-14 PDF
(D) Weeks 11-14$25.00