It isn’t too early to start preparing for an upcoming lesson on seeds. I usually introduce a Botany lesson on seeds about the third week of school, depending on how the first few weeks have been going. Prior to a discussion on seeds, a simple lesson on the parts of a plant are given. Then the various parts of a plant are talked about separately over the following three or four weeks.
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Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3
In parts of the southern states it is time to harvest the fields of cotton. If you are going to be talking about harvest time, including the cotton plant can be fun. I often include this plant when we discuss ‘things we get from plants’ at a later time during the school year, but be sure to include it sometime during the year if you can. Children are amazed when they learn that some of their clothes are made from the cotton plant! Continue reading “Cotton Plant in Week 20 Day 3”

Gardening Lessons for Children
I have decided to share with you some gardening ideas from the past that you can perhaps use with children. Children are naturally drawn to plants and gardens. Maria Montessori said, “There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature, to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature… so that the child may better understand and participate in the marvelous things which civilization creates.”
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