I first need to apologize for such delayed blog posts. We had a recent move, are building, things still in boxes, etc. I did however, have an opportunity recently to join a friend on her farm one morning for a field trip she was presenting for two homeschool families. If you have my Cultural Curriculum, lessons on farm and farm animals can be found in Week 32 Days 4 and 5.
I thought it was wonderful and the children really enjoyed learning about different plants and animals. Now with farms full of gardens and baby animals it is a great time to visit a local farm if possible! It was especially nice because of there being just two families, the children had a chance to really be involved with the animals. So if you can visit a local farm, it is a field trip your child will remember. Children can learn the name of the baby animals, as well as what the female and males are called. Be sure to include the group name of the different animals. You can also have your child make a journal or story page on the things they learned and saw at the farm. Older children can choose an animal they liked most and do a research project on that animal. Have fun as you explore a farm near you!

Farm and Farm Animals is found in Week 32 Days 4&5 of my Cultural Curriculum
(I) Weeks 31-34$25.00