Book choices for today:
Fish Peter Murray
Fish Joy Richardson
Fish is Fish Leo Lionni
Fish Faces Norbert Wu
Fish Colors David Zoller
Fish Counting David Zoller
Zoology: (first circle)
Need for lesson – Fish pictures, Parts of the Fish Booklet, and a large picture of a fish showing it’s gills. Live fish would be great if you can have in the classroom.
Zoology 7
We have learned that fish are vertebrates. They have a backbone. All fish make one class of vertebrates. How else do we know a fish belongs in the fish group of vertebrates? Well, fish live in the water. If they live in the water, how do you think they breathe? A fish gets the air it needs from the water. It takes a part of air, called oxygen, from the water. Can we do that? No, only fish because they have special organs in their bodies called gills. Let’s look at this picture of a fish and the gills. A fish takes a gulp of water – closes it’s mouth and forces the water – to the gills. These special gills take in that part of air called oxygen from the water and flushes the rest of the water out of the body. Let’s look at some other parts of a fish (briefly describe what each part of the fish does).

Zoology 8
This is just one kind of fish. Not all fish look like this one, but most have a body with parts like this one. We call this body shape streamlined. A body shaped like this can go through the water smoothly and easily.
This is the head of the fish. When you look at it, look at the shape of it. This is what helps the fish to be streamlined. It reminds us of when people swim and they want to dive into the water, what do they do with their arms? When I do that it looks like the shape of the fish’s head. So when we dive with our arms up and go into the water we can be like a fish and dive in smoothly and easily.
These are the scales. they are thin, flat hard plates that cover and protect the fish.
This is called the lateral line. It is a line of scales on each side of the body from the head to the tail.
The dorsal fins are found on the top of the fish that help it to stay upright and make turns.
The caudal fin is the tail that drives the fish through the water.
The anal fin is found at the back of the underside of the body and helps the fish to make turns.
The pectoral fins are found on each side of the fish and help the fish swim up or down and to slow or stop.
The ventral fin also helps the fish with the direction it moves in the water.
Additional Works:
Fish 1-10 – I made this little fish and the children can count the bubbles coming out of the fish mouths.
Fish Matching Cards – I made matching cards using fish stickers.
Fish Shadows – These are from and I made them into matching cards.

Fish Prints – I bought these fish shapes from Discount School Supply. On the art table have different color paints on small paper plates and the children can make fish prints on a large piece of paper.
Fish Hand Prints – Paint child’s hand to make a fish shape in a fish bowl. Children can then glue beads and eyes on the paper to decorate the fish bowls and fish.

Have You Ever Been Fishing?
Have you ever been fishing
On a bright and sunny day?
(Pretend to cast fishing rod)
When all the little fishies
Swimmin’ up and down the bay?
(Swim with hands)
With your hands in your pockets,
And your pockets in your pants,
(Put hands in pockets)
And all the little fishies do the
Hootchy Kootchy dance!
(Wiggle hips and do a little dance)
Ten Little Fish by Audrey Wood (this is a book that we read and act out with fish that I made out of scrapbook paper)
As you read this story/poem ten children act it out.
Five Little Fish – This song is from a CD (named in column on left), but I wanted to show you the fish we use to sing the song with. I can’t remember where I found this fish but I glued five of them onto a dowel and five children act out the song as we sing along with the CD.

Geography: (second circle)
Need for lesson – A flag, Parts of the Flag Booklet and/or three -part matching cards, and Flags of North America. I made the flags of North America into a booklet.
Geography 9
Today we are going to look at a flags. A flag is a piece of fabric, usually rectangular in shape and has a design on it. Remember when we talked about how each continent has countries in them? Well, these countries all have a flag with a design on it that represents that country. A flag has different parts to it. Let’s learn what they are using this flag.
Flagstaff – Another name for this is the flagpole. It is what the flag is attached to.
Halyard – The rope that is used to raise and lower the flag.
Hoist Side – The side of the flag closest to the flaggstaff where the halyard fastens the flag.
Canton – The top inner corner of the flag, next to the flaggstaff.
Fly – The far edge of the flag, away from the flaggstaff.
Field – The whole section of the flag between the hoist and the fly. It does not include the canton.

Song (CD) choices for today:
Five Little Fish Animals Macmillan
How Do Fish Swim ? Ballads for the Age of Science
Buy Weeks 6-10 PDF
(C) Weeks 6-10$25.00