Book choices for today:
A is for Asia Cynthia Chin Lee
Fold Me a Poem Kristine O’Connell George
How Many Teeth? Paul Showers
The Tooth Book Edward Miller
The Littlest Matryoshka Corinne Demas Bliss
Geography: (first circle)
Need for lesson – Pictures of Asia, things for the continent table that represent Asia, and the Montessori Map of Asia.
Geography 33
We have learned about four different continents. North America, South America, Africa, and Antarctica. Today we start to visit the continent of Asia. On our continent globe, Asia is the yellow continent. Asia is the largest of the seven continents. It has the most people living on it as as well. Some of the countries in Asia are China, Japan, Ukraine, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Thailand. Some animals that can be found in Asia are Giant Pandas, Asian Elephants, and the Indian Rhinoceros. The Asian Elephant is smaller than the African Elephant and another way to tell the difference is their ears. The Asian Elephant has smaller rounded ears.
Some popular foods from Asia are things like noodles, egg rolls, chicken, rice, lentils, and fish. Some languages spoken in Asia are Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, Tagalog, and Korean, and there are many more!
Let’s look at some pictures from Asia.
Additional Works:
Flags of Asia – These are a three-part matching work, but I find that the children use them more often if they can make their own flag, so I change in to a flag making work instead.
Russian Stacking Dolls
Animals of Asia
Science: (second circle)
Need for lesson – Teeth model, teeth x-rays, parts of a tooth, or any other teeth work or charts you may have.
Science 53
We are going to talk about our teeth. Why do you think we have teeth? Teeth help us to chew our food. Teeth help our lips and tongue to make sounds properly. Let’s look at the parts of a tooth. The part of the tooth you see is called the crown. The hard white outer covering is the enamel. The root is what holds the tooth in place in the jawbone. We cannot see the roots. Inside of the tooth is dentin, a bone-like tissue. There is also what is called pulp. The pulp is like a house for the nerves and blood vessels.
Our teeth have different shapes for jobs. There are four different kinds of teeth. We have eight incisors teeth. Four on the top, and four on the bottom (show the children the teeth as you discuss them). They have sharp chisel-shaped crowns to help cut food. The four cuspids are next to each incisor that help to tear food. That is why they have a pointed edge to them. There are four pairs of bicuspid teeth. They help to crush and tear food. The last group of teeth are called the molars. These have a wide surface and help to grind food.
Right now most of you have twenty baby teeth. These teeth are going to start to get loose and fall out. Your adult teeth are underneath those baby teeth and push them right out so the adult teeth can grow in its place. When you are a grown up, you will have 32 teeth altogether!
Additional Works:
Worksheets and Coloring Pages
Play Dough Cutter Shapes – I cannot remember where I found these, just that it was on-line, so they can most likely be easily found.
My Teeth
Can you see my teeth? I use them to chew.
I chew things like carrots so my teeth stay like new.
Can you see my teeth? I use them to bite.
I bite things like apples so my teeth will stay white.
Can you see my teeth? I use them to speak.
I say “t”and “f” every day of the week.
Can you see my teeth? I use them to smile.
I brush until my grin is as wide as a mile!
Song (CD) choices for today:
You Brush Your Teeth Raffi
(G) Weeks 23-26$25.00