Book choices for today:
Grasshopper Karen Hartley
Grasshoppers Mary Ann Mc Donald
Grasshoppers Sophie Lockwood
Hop With the Grasshoppers Karen Kenney
Crickets and Grasshoppers Anne Squire
Zoology: (first circle)
Need for lesson – Pictures of grasshoppers, Parts of a Grasshopper booklet or other grasshopper work.
Zoology 38
This is a picture of another kind of insect. What kind of insect is it? A grasshopper. How do we know it is an insect? There are over 17,000 different kinds of grasshoppers in the world! Grasshoppers are medium to large insects. Their back pair of legs are muscular and used for jumping. There are two main groups of grasshoppers: long-horned and short-horned, determined by the length of the antennae. Grasshoppers have five eyes. Two large eyes are on either side of their head. Then two are found on the end of each antennae and the last eye is between the antenna’s.
Female grasshoppers are larger than the male ones. They also have sharp points at the end of their abdomen to help them lay eggs under the ground. After they lay their eggs, the females just go away, they do not need to take care of the babies when the hatch. The babies go through the change of metamorphosis to grow to look like adult grasshoppers.
Grasshoppers eat a variety of plants and some only eat grass. Some of their predators, or other animals that like to eat them are, birds, lizards, spiders, and rodents. Some grasshoppers make sounds by rubbing their wings together. They are related to crickets, which also make a chirping sound when rubbing their legs together. Have you heard the chirping of crickets or grasshoppers before? When you do hear them, know that it is the male ones that make the chirping sounds!

Grasshopper Pictures (from: Bugs! and Grasshoppers by Kristin Petrie)

Parts of a Grasshopper (Montessori Catalogs)
Additional Works:
Insect Bingo – I believe this is from

Insect Bingo
Ten Little Grasshoppers
Ten little grasshoppers swinging on a vine;
One ate too many berries, and then there were nine.
Nine little grasshoppers sitting on the gate;
One was blown away and then there were eight.
Eight little grasshoppers flying toward heaven;
One got lost upon a cloud, and then there were seven.
Seven little grasshoppers lived between two bricks;
One hopped off, and then there were six.
Six little grasshoppers, glad to be alive;
One chased a bumblebee and then there were five.
Five little grasshoppers, hopped past a door;
One went inside, and then there were four.
Four little grasshoppers, that all could see;
One became scared and jumped on my knee.
Three little grasshoppers, landed on my shoe;
One fell off, and then there were two.
Two little grasshoppers, having lots of fun;
One got caught, and then there was one.
One little grasshopper, sitting all alone;
It jumped away and then there were none!
Little Cricket
The first little cricket played the violin
The second little cricket joined right in.
The third little cricket made a crackly song
The fourth little cricket helped him along.
The fifth little cricket cried, “Crick-crick-cree”
The orchestra is over and it’s time for tea.
Geography: (second circle)
Need for lesson – Sample picture of mosaic art.
Geography 45
We are going to look at two kinds of art that is often seen in Europe. One is called a Mosaic. Looking at these pictures, we can see small pieces of tile, glass, or stone that is placed in such a way that it makes a picture of something. So a mosaic is the art of creating images with the assemblage small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials.They are arranged in such a way to create a design or a picture.
Another kind of art seen often in Europe is Stained Glass art. Stained glass is glass that has been colored by adding metallic salts to it and then small pieces of this colored glass are used to create designs or pictures. The term stained glass is also applied to windows that have been painted on to create a design or picture on. The design or pattern is created right on the window itself.
These types of art are commonly seen in many countries of Europe like Italy, Spain, Russia, and France.

Mosaic Sample
Mosaic – Have grid or plain paper and small pieces of foam or other material cut into squares for children to design a pattern with or a picture. I also have bought small mosaic glass pieces at a craft store and the children placed them into a container lid full of glue to make coasters.
Stained Glass – Provide a variety of small cut pieces of tissue paper, watered down glue or liquid starch,and small glass baby jars or little vases. Children can create a colored stained glass look to decorate the vase or jars with.

Mosaic Art

Mosaic (beans)

Mosaic Art

Mosaic Art

Tissue Paper Art
Song (CD) choices for today:
Ant and Grasshopper Seasonal Songs – Macmillan
Visit to Italy Multicultural Bean Bag Fun
(H) Weeks 27-30$25.00