Book choices for today:
Milk Makers Gail Gibbons
Cows Sara Swan Miller
What is a Landform? Rebecca Rissman
Land and Water Book Maitri Learning
Science: (first circle)
Need for lesson – Pictures of foods from the dairy group and pictures of cows.
Science 30
We have been learning about nutrition. We have learned about fruits and vegetables. We also know that it is important to eat foods from the four food groups to grow healthy. We can’t eat only vegetables. Today we will start to talk about the dairy food group. It is also called the milk group. The foods that belong in the dairy food group are foods that are made from milk. Where does milk come from? A cow.
There are different kinds of cows. Three of them are the Guernsey – brown and white, the Holstein – black and white, and the Ayrshire – red and white (show pictures). Cows live on farms and eat grass that grows in pastures. A pasture is a big field of green grass. When it is winter the cows stay in a barn and eat hay. When a cow eats, they swallow their food without chewing it very good. The food goes down into the first and second stomachs. A cow has four stomachs! After the cow is finished eating, she lies quietly and chews her food again. This is because the food comes back to her mouth to be chewed some more. The food that came back up to the cow’s mouth from her stomach is now called cud. Cows always seem to be chewing and chewing, because she is, she is chewing her cud.
After the cud is swallowed it goes back down into stomachs three and four now. Part of the food is made into milk inside the cow. After a cow has a baby calf the milk is ready to come out. Remember we learned about mammal babies that drink their mother’s milk? Do you think a cow is a mammal? The milk from the mother is stored in her udder. (show picture) This is a bag with four teats. The milk comes out of the teats when the farmer pulls on them. The milk squirts out. This is called raw milk.
Let’s look at some foods that are made from milk.
Additional Works:
Dairy Foods Matching – These are pictures of foods from the dairy group to be matched.
Milk Foods – This is a picture of a cow and dairy food pictures. The children can color the cow and pictures and glue them onto a paper together.
Geography: (second circle)
Need for lesson – Land Forms and Land Form Cards.
Geography 23
We have talked about plateaus, mountains, streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. The continents have other land form markings to them as well. First let’s talk about the lake. A lake is a body of water with land all around it. An island is a body of land with water all around it. These are model land forms. We can add water to them to see how they work. When we pour water into this, the lake form, we see that the water is in the middle and the land is all around it. Now let’s put water into the island land form. We can see that the water is all around the land, called an island.
The names of some other land forms are called:
Peninsula – This is land that juts out into the ocean.
Strait – A narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water.
Cape – Land that is partly surrounded by sea.
Gulf – Is water that penetrates into the land.
Bay – This is sea partly surrounded by land.
Isthmus – A narrow piece of land that connects two larger bodies of land.
System of Lakes – A group of lakes that are close together.
Archipelago – A group of islands that are close together.
Additional Works:
Land Forms – Often the first two land forms to start with. This includes a little page of a lake and an island for the children to color in.
Lake and Island – These are for the children to color in and label.
Song (CD) choices for today:
Eat Good Food Exercise – Janet & Judy
Land and Water Learning Through Music with Hestia
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