It is interesting that when someone hears about Montessori Methods of teaching, they, many times, come to a wrong conclusion. Even some of my family took it as free-for-all environment where the children control the classroom. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. So I thought I would highlight the differences. I think it is important to understand that some of the most famous people in history we Montessori students: Anne Frank, Larry Page (Google), Sergey Brin (Google), Princes William and Harry, and many more. Jeff Bezos himself was a student and has 12+ Montessori schools of his own. Anyway, here you go…
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Montessori Method Basics
I thought I would answer one of the most asked questions about Montessori. It is a great exercise to hit all the basics in a short space. So, here it goes…
The Montessori Method of teaching is an educational approach that was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator. It is based on the following principles:
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