Apple Tasting and Art Mediums

Apple Spooning

In Week 5 Day 2 of my Cultural Curriculum we talked about another one of the five senses, taste. We then did some apple tasting, talked about the different kinds of Apples. On my Botany 5 lap card I help you to know what to say, like, “Today we are going to talk about apples. There are so many different kinds of apples. During the season of Fall many people go apple picking. It is the time of the year for the apples to be harvested. Let’s look at the parts of an apple. As we look at our cards we will also take this real apple and try to find the parts on it. I wonder how many seeds we will find?”

We then tried three different kinds of apples and learned about our taste buds. Mmmm…

Additional works I suggest for the subject of Apples are:

  • Apple Sequence Booklets – Children can make their own little booklet.
  • Simple Subtraction – Have basket of apple erasers on a tray with subtraction sheets, and a pencil. (I write in the minuend and subtrahend depending on the child’s level or have cards they can choose form and write the entire problem out themselves). Children can use the erasers to find the difference.
  • Apples 1-10 Counting – Ten apple tree pictures cards with numerals on them 1-10, 55 cut apple shapes from craft foam. Children place apple tree cards across mat in order 1-10 and count out the apples for each tree.
  • Apple Eating Sequence – Apple Eating Sequence cards. Children have to put the cards in sequential order of the apple being eaten. Be sure to put numbers on the back of the cards in the correct order so children can turn the cards over to check their own work.
  • Apple Pattern Cards – I made cards using green, red, and yellow apple pictures I had from The Mailbox Magazine many years ago. Children look at patterns and add last apple to complete the pattern.
  • Apples 1-12 – In a basket I have apple cards with the numbers 1-12 on them, a roll of register tape, scissors, and a pencil. Children put the apple cards in order from 1-12. They then roll out the register tape to the length of the apple cards and cut it. Now they can write the numbers from 1-12 on the register tape.
  • Apple Color Sorting – I have had these for many years through The Mailbox Magazine. They are just a picture of a little basket and after laminating them just use an X-ACTO knife to cut a slit for the apples to stick out of the barrel.
Apple Tasting
Apple Tasting
Cut Apple to Show Star Inside
Cut Apple to Show Star Inside
Apple Collage
Apple Collage

Not related to Apples, we also looked at different painting and drawing mediums. We have water colors and chalk as art work choices at this time. Art is a very popular area of our classroom! We will try to explore with a variety of art mediums throughout the remainder of the school year to give the children an opportunity to try which ones most appeal to them.

Art Mediums
Art Mediums
1-20 Numerals
1-20 Numerals
Initial Sound Box
Initial Sound Box
Reading Box
Reading Box
Pink Tower and Brown Stair
Pink Tower and Brown Stair

These lessons are found in: