Book choices for today:
Pattern Henry Pluckrose
Patterns in Nature Jennifer Rozines
Lots and Lots of Zabra Stripes Stephen Swineburne
Growing Patterns Sarah Campbell
Splash! Ann Jonas
Science: (first circle)
Need for lesson – Patterns in Nature Sorting Cards and samples of things with patterns; shells, flowers, fabric, etc. and some things that do not have a pattern; pencil, plain paper, plain cup, etc. Also have a basket of shapes, or flowers that can be made into patterns.
Science 37
Today we are going to talk about patterns. Patterns are found everywhere in our world. A pattern is a set of shapes or numbers that are repeated over and over again. We see patterns in flowers, shells, windows, bugs, and art work can have patterns as well. Understanding patterns is important because they can help us with things like math, when we are working with numbers, and patterns help us to see and understand the way things work together. Let’s look at these objects to find the pattern.
Not all designs or shape has a pattern. Let’s look at some of those things to be sure. If we compare these objects the patterns are able to be seen. Notice how a pattern works. It is a repeat something, that follows an order. We can make a pattern with these flowers (or whatever you have in the basket, continue to take out the objects and create patterns for children to see them and help guess what would come next).
We can see patterns in nature, the things that are found on the earth. Let’s look at some of those.

Additional Work:
These are other pattern ideas with a book.

Patterns – Provide pre-cut shapes or craft peel and stick shapes. Children can create patterns on paper.
Coloring Pattern Squares

Practical Life:
Patterns with Objects – Using what materials you would like such as beads, seeds, etc. children can practice pattern making.

Zoology: (second circle)
Need for lesson – The book “Splash!”.

Review which animals can be found in a pond habitat. Read “Splash!”. This will be the Book on the Shelf. Demonstrate to the children work to go along with the book. I found the frogs and turtles for the story at a craft store. For the fish, my husband made them out of clay. I found a wooden cat and dog that I painted. I used felt and craft foam for the pond habitat.

Additional Work:
Lily Pads 1-20 – Children write the numerals 1-20 after they place them out in order across their mat.

About the Pond (tune – “The Muffin Man”)
Do you know about a pond,
About a pond, about a pond?
Do you know about a pond
Where things go plip, plot, plat?
Ponds are homes for animals,
For animals, for animals.
Ponds are homes for animals,
Can you imagine that?
Tadpoles, fish, and dragonflies,
And dragonflies, and dragonflies.
Tadpoles, fish, and dragonflies
Live in this habitat.
Ponds are homes for lots of plants,
Lots of plants, lots of plants.
Ponds are home for lots of plants.
What do you think of that?
Algae, reeds, and cattails too.
And cattails too, and cattails too.
Algae, reeds, and cattails too,
Grow in this habitat.
Song (CD) choices for today:
The Elephant Hap Palmer
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