Circle Time Book/Play

During the month of December, we talk about the continent of Africa. I always introduce the children to the book, Honey Honey Lion, by Jan Brett. We also read The Hat, by Jan Brett with the season changing to Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
These are both great books to use with props during circle time. The children use instruments during the reading of Honey Honey Lion and the children act out The Hat, as a little play while I read the story. At times I may wait to act out The Hat, until the following month if time is limited with a school break. Depending on your situation, these are both excellent circle time activities that are very enjoyable for the children to read during the winter season and Africa unit study. All prop printables can be found on Jan Brett.com. Whenever you can fit them into your program or schedule, it is worth all the preparation!

During the story, children play the instrument that matches the animal in the story that is being read about.

Not the clearest pictures, but I hope it gives you an idea and inspires you to gather your props and have fun with these two books! (Remember to remind children about fictional stories.)