100 Days of School

It is getting close to the 100th day of school usually around this month, or next month sometime. You can begin to prepare now for a fun-filled day of everything 100! Older children can bring in 100 objects of their choice. I send a note home with these children about a week before the 100th day. I also give some suggestions on ideas of what to bring that can help parents and children begin to think about what they can bring in to count out to the other children. Objects such as paper clips, q-tips, shells, crayons, or pennies are some ideas.
I’ve done this a few different ways, depending on how many children are older that will be bringing in objects to be counted. If there are not that many older children, I would have them count out their objects during circle time for all of the children. Perhaps one or two at the first circle and then one or two others at a second circle. If there are many older ones and this would be too time consuming, I break up the children into groups with an older child per group to count out their objects to that smaller group only. We learn to count out the objects in groups of ten and introduce skip counting by tens. Many other fun activities and art ideas can be included in your day all about the number 100! Below are some pictures of past 100th days of school ideas. Have Fun with whatever you plan for your 100th day of school!