Week 22 Day 5

Review for today: (first circle)

Plan on having a review today of all cultural areas from this past month or some you feel would be best for the children to go over. Here are some opitons to cover.

Geography / Need for lesson – Montessori Continent Globe, Montessori Hemisphere Map, and a flag.

Geography 32

Let’s have a review of the continents. How many continents are there on the earth? We have talked about North America, South America, Africa, and Antarctica. Which continent do we live on? What kind of animals would we see if we visited Africa? Which animals live on Antarctica? What is the shape of our earth? Why do we call this map a hemisphere map? The sphere shape of earth is cut in half to make two hemispheres. Remember when we cut the play dough earth in half and made it flat?

What are the names of the four main oceans of the earth?

What is a flag? Can we remember some parts of the flag?

We talked about land forms like an island and a lake. How do we know which one is an island?

Botany / Need for lesson – Seeds and a plant.

Botany 22

When we learn about plant is called? Botany. A scientist who studies all about plants is called a Botanist.
These are seeds. What is inside all seeds? A baby plant just waiting to grow. What are some things a seed will need for it to start to grow? As the seed coat is coming off and the embryo inside begins to grow we call that? Germination.

This is plant, its leaves do something very special, remember what it is? The leaves helps to make food for the plant. When this happens it is called? Photosynthesis. The leaves are filled with green chlorophyll. What other help does the chlorophyll need to make food for the plant? Sun, water, and carbon dioxide. How do we help plants get this carbon dioxide? We breathe it out. The plants give off a gas that we need to breathe in called? Oxygen. Plants and people are important to each other.

What do the roots and the stems do for plants?

When we talked about nutrition in Science and learned about fruits and vegetables, we found out that all fruits have what? Seeds. When we eat vegetables we are actually eating a part of the plant. If we are eating a piece of celery, what part of the celery plant are we eating? How about a carrot? Cauliflower? Spinach? Lettuce? Asparagus?

We also talked about trees. What kind of trees are they if the leave change color in the fall? Deciduous. What is the name of those that do not change colors? Evergreen.

We also learned that plants are important because they give us many things. Can you think of some things we get from plants?

Science / Need for lesson – Which ever labels such as the months of the year card set you would like to use.

Science 52

A long time ago we talked about things being living or non-living. How do we know something is living? It needs food, water, and it grows. We have five senses that help us to grow and learn all about our world. Can we name the five senses?

We grow on the outside and on the inside of our bodies. We have important things inside our bodies like our skeleton. What does the skeleton do? What about our heart and lungs? How about our brains, why are they important? How can we take care of our bodies? we did talk about the food groups, can you remember the name of some food groups? Fruits/vegetables, dairy, protein, and the grain group. What makes dairy foods a part of this group? They are foods all made from milk. It is important to eat a variety of foods from these food groups to help us grow healthy and strong. What is that food guide that can help us know which are the most important ones to eat? Food pyramid.

We also talked about the water cycle. How does this work?

We learned about some of the biomes of the earth, deserts, rain forest, and grasslands. What is the rain forest like? How about a desert?

We talked about the four seasons that make up a year. What are the four seasons again? How many months make up a year? How many months can we name?

What about weather, what did we learn about the weather?

Zoology / Need for lesson – Vertebrate card set

Zoology 30

We learned that scientist put all the animals into two main groups. The vertebrate group and the invertebrate group. What makes an animal belong to the vertebrate group? They all have a backbone. Scientist then took all those vertebrate animals and divided them into five groups. Can you tell me the names of the five groups or classes of vertebrates? Mammals, amphibian, fish, reptiles, and birds. How do know that an animal is a bird and belongs in the bird group? All birds have feathers. What about mammals, they all have what? Fur or hair. How about their babies, what do mammal babies need?

We learned that when baby amphibians hatch from eggs they do not look like their parents. Amphibians have to go through a change. We call that change? Metamorphosis. What about reptiles, there are four main kinds of reptiles, can you think of them? Turtles, crocodiles/alligators, snakes, and lizards.

What about the fish group, all fish live where? They breathe with?

We also talked about animals in the Winter. When animals have to travel to other place for the Winter it is called? Migration. What is it called when they take a long sleep during the Winter? Hibernation. Other animals stay active during the winter. Can you think of some animals we might see during the Winter?

We call an area or place that an animal lives its habitat. Can we remember the names of some animal habitats? Pond, ocean, savanna, desert, and forest are some.

Music: (second circle)

Need for lesson – The book “The Story of the Orchestra” or Carnival of Animals

Continue with the book on the orchestra, review the orchestra and have children make little booklets, or continue with Carnival of Animals.

Carnival of Animals
Carnival of Animals
Orchestra Booklets
Orchestra Booklets