
The month of September it is a good time to talk about apples. The next few weeks are one of the best times to go apple picking in most of the United States and Canada. I include lessons on the Five Senses during this month and like to tie in an apple tasting day when we talk about the sense of taste. It is enjoyed by all and we talk about which kind of apple we liked most. Be sure to include various apple activities in the other areas of the classroom as work choices. There are many apple art ideas to include as well. More ideas on apples and apple tasting can be found in Week 5-Day 2 of the Cultural Curriculum pages.


Apples ideas include: Art, poem, and parts of an apple booklet.
Apples ideas include: story, art, poem, and parts of an apple booklet.
Apple 1-10 Counting
Apple 1-10 Counting
Count and Write Numbers 1-20
Count and Write Numbers 1-20
Apple Sound Game (how to play in week 5-day 2)
Apple Sound Game (how to play in week 5-day 2)
Apple Sound Game
Apple Sound Game
Apple Dot Art
Apple Dot Art
Apple Sun Catcher Art
Apple Sun Catcher Art